Tuesday, 3 September 2013

At the prop house

On Saturday 7th September we will be shooting a trailer to help launch the novel

Yesterday, I went with the supremely talented Teodora Bergland and Lili Lea Abraham to a prop house in North Acton.

                                                                        signing in

Up stairs and through corridors

Huge rooms filled with furntiture from every different era, and a choice of items like I have never seen before.

                                                   No prizes for guessing the decade here

It was like a surreal dream, as we strolled through picking out items that will enhance sets which will be built by Lili

Lili is on the right and on the left is Teodora our producer/director

We are on a very small budget which has actually been only slightly extended from no budget at all, so we are very careful about which props we choose.


So now you've met the two women who will perform creative miracles, watch this space and over the next few days I will reveal more.

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